August 25, 2014

Tastes Like Home

Happy Day 30
A trip back to Champaign-Urbana in the summer wouldn't have been complete without a stop at Custard Cup. They've been in business in Champaign since I was old enough to eat ice cream and I've been a loyal customer since. Lemon is the best.

August 21, 2014

Clear Shot

Happy Day 29
We headed back to Illinois to see family and friends over Memorial Day weekend since we won't be making it home for the holidays this year due to little one (whose arrival is still being awaited) being a bit too little to travel. This was the best view of Rainier I've had yet from the air.

August 19, 2014

Dream Job

Happy Day 28 
I had the chance to do a little bit of lab work earlier in the summer. There is pretty much no task associated with the day occupation that I love more than sorting dirty old bits of detritus.

August 18, 2014

Noted for Next Year

Happy Day 27
Admiring alliums on an evening walk. Going to have to get some of these worked into my space.

Good Enough to Eat

Happy Day 26
I was probably on the verge of or over the edge into hangry territory on this particular evening and husband saved us all by making artfully presented nachos for dinner.  

Back to the Beginning

(Happy Day 25)
of summer that is. Freshly planted window boxes.