April 26, 2012

A Little Bit of Hay and...

On Tuesday, when I should have been out making the proverbial hay while the sun shone, I stopped into Target for one thing, and when that didn't work out, I naturally came out with two entirely different things that I was unaware I needed prior. Okay, not entirely true. I was contemplating a wide brimmed hat, fashionable sunscreen for out in the garden. Fit my noggin like a glove for a whopping $2.50. Nearby I discovered the necklace. Pretty red glass beads, wrapped and knotted thread, $10.00. 
Hoodie and iPhone case are J.Crew, but I don't believe either are available anymore.
PS I did eventually get some work done.

April 24, 2012

Scioto Gardens

Well, husband and I had plans to be very productive in the yard and garden this past weekend, but the weather had other ideas. It was rainy and windy and chilly and just no good. But on Sunday, we did make the trip up to Delaware (,OH) to visit Scioto Gardens. I came across this lovely nursery searching the web for Ohio plant producers using organic or as-close-to-organic-as-possible practices. 
All plants are grown outside for maximum hardiness, and no greenhouse means energy savings too. Also note the nice big rain barrel at the back of the barn. 
 They focus on plants that are native to the region,
 with some other sorts of specimens thrown in for fun.
This was our haul: hydrangea, liatris, phlox, bee balm, male fern, japanese painted fern, and larkspur. All good for cutting.
The wind really kicked up while we wandering around making selections and then it started raining a bit. Yucky.
Before the weather turned for the worse, a sweet kitty visited us while we were walking around, but I was too busy petting him or her to take his or her picture, however we were parked right next to this napping fellow or lady, so I couldn't leave without taking the opportunity to snap at least one fuzzy portrait.
The drive up and back on Olentangy River Road/315 was very pretty despite the weather. As the name suggests, the route runs immediately adjacent to the river. Lots of old farm houses and associated buildings interspersed with ritzy new subdivisions. I fell in love with this property for several reasons. One, amazing architectural detail. A true Victorian. Wish the carved doors were visible in this photo. Two, dilapidated and decayed condition. Couple one and two and I immediately become obsessed with the infinite potential. Three, just to the right of the house out of view was a pretty expansive open field complete with a greenhouse. A proper spot for a flower farm.
Husband said "no dice".
It's a beautiful, but slightly windy and chilly day today. I should be out working the dirt, planting the recent purchases, etc. not interneting. So, I'm off.

April 18, 2012

New England Weekend

Well, we had a fabulous weekend out east. The wedding we attended was beautiful and the reception was one of the most fun ever. We arrived in Providence around noon and drove straight down to Newport, had lunch and wandered about.

Salve Regina is the alma mater of the bride. This is the administration building. I'm jealous, the University of Illinois has some lovely buildings, but...

Interior of the administration building.

And the back, facing the Atlantic.
On to the legendary Cliff Walk.

We always thought we were cabin on the lake people, but this palazzo on the ocean just spoke to us. Let me introduce you to the little summer getaway we picked up while we were in town. Ok, not really. This is (was) the Vanderbilt's place, The Breakers.
In the spirit of The Life Aquatic. Imagine a red stocking cap and a blue jumpsuit.
Couldn't get overly distracted by the view along this stretch.

Eventually we left the sea behind and made our way back to town. Then it was on to Westerly, site of the celebration the next day.
Following some late night fun with the bridal party and other guests Friday night, we found ourselves in need of some brunch Saturday morning prior to getting ready for the big day. By recommendation of the bride, we made our way to the Ocean House in Watch Hill. Here is a bit on the resort's interesting past and rebirth.
Most beautiful breakfast room with the most beautiful view.
A bloody mary with personality. Tasty too.
Edible art.
Lobster omelet with the tastiest potato pancakes I've ever had. The tomatoes were dressed in a vinaigrette and were a lovely little accompaniment. Husband had yummy granola apple pancakes. And we had scones and bread that were ever so delish too.
Freshened up, then wedding time.

All the beautiful Easter flowers still brightening the church. It smelled wonderful!

Reception at the yacht club. We literally danced until I dropped. (Husband partied on.) My feet were aching Sunday, luckily the day involved lots of sitting. Congrats again to the couple!

April 12, 2012

Out Back

So today (whoops, yesterday now) started with a bang. More specifically, a neighbor pounding on the door at 7:45 waking me to alert that a neighborhood high schooler had just rear ended my street-parked car (street-parked due to the fact that the pile of compost I mentioned in the last post is smack in the middle of our driveway), pretty much, I do believe, totaling her car and doing some pretty extensive damage to mine. Poor girl, she was physically ok, but pretty upset, crying initially, and just kept saying how sorry she was. Ultimately, despite the ensuing hassle inherent in such a situation, more than anything else, I just felt really sorry for her. I mean, they're just cars. Poo happens. Everyone was in high school once upon a time.

The least stressful part of the day by far was the five minutes I spent in the backyard taking these pictures of what's currently growing . Above, first bloom on the strawberry plants.

 Peony bush one.
 Peony bush two.
Herb patch. The oregano (in the ground left) and parsley (in the ground right, amongst the bushes) never really completely died out over the winter. Growing strong now. In the pots, mint (left) is making a come-back, rosemary (center) is trying, and thyme (right) is looking better and better.
 Oregano close-up.
Parsley close-up.

We are leaving Ohio behind for the weekend, off to a wedding in Rhode Island tomorrow (whoops again, today, like I should be up in t-minus 4 hours). The husband and I's travels in that neck of the woods have been pretty limited up to this point, so we're both super excited. We're spending tomorrow afternoon in Newport, which I have heard from all around is pretty much amazing, especially if you're into 50+ room summer cottages. (I am.) So back next week with hopefully loads of pics to show for a good time had. 

April 10, 2012

Learning to Fly

The title of my first post here is in reference to two great songs that relate the spirit of Unknown Blackbird. Moving forward, living the dreams, but clinging to the sweetest memories. I'm very excited to begin making this little spot on the internet truly my own, my virtual home. 
I thought I'd start off with some snaps from the front garden of some early bloomers. We had a very warm March, and things really got growing. We've had some low thirties at night recently, but no harm done, and luckily we are almost out of the woods as far as frost goes. Above, icelandic poppies. On Saturday there was one, then yesterday another, and today three bright faces. 
The buds on the dwarf korean lilacs are just on the verge of opening. There are no old-fashioned lilac bushes in the yard (yet), but I must say I was impressed last year with just how sweet-smelling, not to mention pretty, these guys are. And I have to admit they have a tidier habit than their cousins the rest of the year.
And finally my poor columbine, stripped of every last leaf by some unknown critter a couple of weeks ago. I know I need to cut it back and give it the chance to recover, but it just seemed a shame to waste all those pretty buds.

In other garden news, right now we are in the process of distributing a ginormous pile of compost from Price Farms Organics to all the existing garden beds. I'm also working to find sources for organically grown annuals and perennials in order to get planting as soon as possible. Hopefully there will be a new compost bin and a rain barrel in the near future too. I am still figuring out the details surrounding Unknown Blackbird Flowers as a business. I am very excited to just get growing. Once the blooms arrive, I know I'll have a better idea how everything else will follow from there.