October 19, 2012

Peeping at Leaves

Or so they say up the New England way. And as I've heard Granville, OH described as a little slice of New England in the midwest, I suppose that's an appropriate thing to call our activity over there. 
Granville is actually where the better half works, it's about a half hour east of Columbus. My dad is in town, and he's been helping with work on our house, specifically the basement refinish I mentioned awhile back. On Tuesday we took some time off and went over and had lunch with the husband and walked around and took some photos as he has a fancy camera he is learning to use as well.

This is the light post, I guess you'd call it, in front of the Buxton Inn. A cat is involved in their logo, so this is an extension of the theme. A few leaves to see in the upper left corner, but really this one is just for the love of the meows.
It's really been a beautiful fall here in O-hi-o. Will report again soon.


  1. Can't believe it! My first job out of college was working for an organization that was housed in the Bryn Du Mansion, so my old stomping grounds! Can't count how many times I ate at Aladdin, the Buxton, etc. Love it!

  2. so nice this pictures, the light and colours, love it!
