September 15, 2014


Ida Evelyn. Born August 30 at 3:14 a.m., weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces and measuring 19 inches long. We are totally in love! She is so perfect and is worth all the effort that was required to bring her into the world. She's proving to be for the most part a pretty easy baby, we can usually soothe her without too much trouble to get her through her grumpy times (which includes almost every diaper change). Otherwise she is eating, sleeping or looking around either wide or sleepy-eyed. 
When speculating on what baby might look like, the possibility (one in four, I've since revisited Genetics 101) of red hair was discussed as we both have family members with this trait. And sure enough, we have a little redhead!
So far we know she likes motion (the more jostling the better it seems sometime), being held and cuddling, noise, being outdoors, eating (of course), and sucking on our fingers.  At least these all seem to facilitate her not crying/snoozing. She hates diaper changes, as previously mentioned, and being cold (the second probably helps explain the first). She doesn't seem to mind being in her crib, or at least waking up in it and she'll sleep pretty well there if she goes in already in a nice deep sleep. 
These pics are from day one through last week. That's about all for now. Will catch up on everything else eventually. 

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