Unfortunately Greg had to be out of town, but fortunately it was swimming lesson day. We took a parent and baby class at the Y in Perrysburg this summer which just wrapped up this week. Swimming lessons were a beloved every summer activity throughout my childhood and I was (very, I suppose) eager for Ida to have the same experience. If there were any concerns as to whether or not she would like the water, those have been put to rest. She is a right little fishy. (I originally filtered away the beautiful green glow only indoor pool fluorescents can provide, but decided to keep it real here. And I think I might have food stuck between my two front teeth too :)
Since it was our birthday we decided to not hold back and to pack in all the fun things, so later in the day we went for a swing too.
After baby was tucked into bed I went out to treat myself to finishing weeding our front walk, not a traditional activity to celebrate one's birthday, but I had started the chore a week before and it was driving me crazy I hadn't yet finished. I was about five weeds away from being done when the mosquitoes tried to carry me off and I had to run for the hills. But before that I did get to see the almost full blue moon come up. Of course my iPhone doesn't do it justice, but it was really beautiful.
Greg caught a redeye and was home the next morning, and as a belated birthday treat that afternoon I tried a new salon downtown for a trim. Among the usual assortment of mags you would expect to see, I found this. Somehow they guessed my vocation and really make an effort to tailor their reading material to their clientele? Very random.Just a couple doors down from the salon (and to be honest, part of the reason I chose the salon was so that I would have an excuse to come here semi-regularly) is a gorgeous flower and gift shop called Floral Pursuit. I had stopped in briefly the weekend before and fell hard for a couple of begonias, among many other things on offer. When we moved from Seattle I had to give away all of my houseplants which was a real bummer (they couldn't go on the moving truck because our things were going to storage for a month, and a baby and a cat on the plane were enough, a houseplant collection would have been over the top). I just don't think a house is a home without plants, so I was eager to adopt. The bracelet is from there as well.
I came away with "Escargot"
and "Iron Cross".
Later in the evening our good friends arrived for a visit and we had a really lovely weekend that involved steak and eggs and blueberry muffins (mimosas not picture), getting a babysitter (for the first time ever!) and going out for dinner...
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